i just seen one of the most horrific events. a squirrel had fallen from a balcony as i stood below. it engaged in what looked like vertigo and reached outwards with it's paw. i decided i should stay and make sure nothing harrassed it while it calmed down... well i cried and cried and told it how horrible i felt to be human. i guessed it had been poisoned from the shakey behavior, and from seeing the boxes of poison traps laid out along the alley. i think i will be removing those very soon. i was once told that the poison they used was painless but i knew from the look of it, it really fucking sucked. this apparently painless poison they use on rodents actually boils them from the inside out in order for the carcass to not rot and smell. i say if you have rats you want to get rid of get a cat and most likely that will scare them off and no boiling innocents' has to be done.
i feel the same way a lot of the time. i hate how flippant most people are to animals. it breaks my heart. </3
Sounds a fucking horrible experience