So, I had an old friend pop back up in my life a few weeks ago that I hadn't talked to in 3 years. Our last encounter before recent events was less than desirable as I ended up getting pretty well used to fill a void in her personal life until she found something she really wanted. Wouldn't have been such a big deal had I known the score. Water under the bridge. The ironic part is we started talking again and everything was going fine and now suddenly she needs time to herself and wants to focus on her and her family and all that jazz. Cool, I get that. Again, no big deal. Question though? If you were just going to cut me out of your life again why the hell did you bother coming back at all? It's not even like last time, either. There is no romance or anything going on. We're just "friends". I'll quote that because being friends usually doesn't involve pushing people completely away and making them feel like their presence is the cause for your personal issues. I digress. I wonder how she's going to feel when she finally pulls her head out of her ass and realizes that I'm not waiting around for her when she gets bored anymore? We've gone many years before without talking, what's a few more? I've survived without you before, why would you think you're so special now? Sorry, darling I don't have time for reruns.
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