- on redheadedgoddess's blog post
- on quentin_'s photo
- on Big boobs and sitting frontal pussy shots in big boob appreciation
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- on blacksheepink's video
- on blacksheepink's video
I find myself at a crossroads where I am torn between being compelled to start true to my nature and being compelled to safeguard myself from people who only appreciate me when I'm convenient in their lives. I like to think I'm a nice guy. I don't go out of my way to hurt people and when I do by accident I'm extremely remorseful. I...
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Goddamnit, it's Summer. Why the hell does it gotta rain the weekend I'm planning to go to the beach. That's no fun. Now I have to reschedule. Goddamn you Oregon Coast! You had one job! 😂
So, I had an old friend pop back up in my life a few weeks ago that I hadn't talked to in 3 years. Our last encounter before recent events was less than desirable as I ended up getting pretty well used to fill a void in her personal life until she found something she really wanted. Wouldn't have been such a big deal had...
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First and foremost, I love lifting weights. I'm sure I've established this in previous blog entries. However, if you go to the gym you should be there to break a sweat. Get in a good workout. You should NOT be there to show off like a douchebag or hit on every dude with large biceps wearing a tank top. Seriously, why TF are you at...
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Lazy mornings
It's going to be a great weekend. Taking the mother of my children out tomorrow to celebrate Mother's Day since I had to work today. Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be up north in the SEA-TAC area visit friends and family.
Showcasing the beauty of cloud formations and the moon.
Nothing quite beats the feeling of a good hard workout. I love the way I feel afterward and I love the way I look all pumped up. It's good for you physically and mentally. The stress relief is killer. Tomorrow is a rest day and then back to the gym. Love it.
Well, I'm new as a member of the site. Been following SG on Instagram and FB for a while and just couldn't help myself. I'm recently single from a 3 year relationship with a woman I had proposed to and intended to marry. Due to a large number of rather tragic circumstances, it ended. Before that I was married for 6 years to a hellish...
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