Goddamn, the last couple of days have been exhausting. The good news is that the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't appear to be a train. We just finished up yet another fucking major inspection. Well, almost anyway, we still have a couple of checks to knock out with the inspectors tomorrow, but then we'll be done. I'm not sure how the ship did over all, but as far as my end went, it went well. Just a couple of minor, easily corrected discrepancies and most of them were issues we had already identified long before the inspectors walked onboard Monday morning. Of course there's a catch though, we still deploy in 2 1/2 weeks. Which means that yet again I'll be out of the country and away from SGland until sometime in December. Oh well, sometimes you get the joke and sometimes the joke gets you.

how come you never come into geez chat anymore?