I suck at updating this thing but I suppose I should at least make an attempt at doing so. I finally received my new roomba this weekend and it kicks much ass. I do need to get another electronic wall for it though because it got stuck under the elliptical in my room so I need to block that area off so that doesn't happen again. Gir still isn't very sure about the roomba though. I finally got off of my ass at work today and knocked out the six online general military training courses that we had to have done by the 15th. Our new CO is coming to San Diego from Norfolk for his first visit since he took command so that means that we will actually be working late for the next three days. Oh well, such is life. At least I have watch on Wednesday from 0630 to 1830 so I'd be working late then anyway.
Speaking of Gir, here's the only pussy my bed's seen in a month of Sundays:

Speaking of Gir, here's the only pussy my bed's seen in a month of Sundays:

prettiest pussy ever!!

DaVinci on the wall man? *swoon*