I love depression, its my true fucking love love
thank you smile
im gonna go postal from some of these chicks...god damn!

"sigh" frown
anyone interested in more of me or my music can go here:

Darth Vengeant on myspace

The Endemic (my death/black metal)

Extinction Dark (my gothy/industrial)

they are just demos and not finished, ill be recording and finishing them when the new PC is built. it'll sound like great.
I still haven't built the new PC for doing my music and art etc on. I had the money saved but used it for my new Samsung 26" LCD HDTV Monitor and Samsung HDMI Dvd player. So, with the paycheck this friday ill have half the money back saved. So, in a month I should have the money...about $2100 total for the parts. (off newegg.com)...
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you bastards with your.... jobs....!

I am currently seeking gainful employement....

any how... I apologize for making it sound like you're a whiney loser. I use the SG journal to vent too.

as far as the site goes. go to myspace.com the name is "angelic nightmares" they have an application for being a beta. here it is!

I told my best friend to be looking out for you as darth vengeant

rock on man!
Damn, its too bad you live clear across the country. I have been looking all over the place for musicians to start a serious Black Metal band with, and so far I have had no luck at all. Sure, I had a few people who were interested in forming a band, but they didn't see the music for what it is- pure raw demonic art. Just silly kids wanting to do angsty nu-metal type shit. No true Metalheads here in Maryland. Just an endless barrage of yo-boys surreal Grrrrr....

Well, keep on working on your music, man. I'd love to hear it one day.
Well, no one reads this anyway...but I guess I feel like typing.

Ive been depressed for quite awhile now. I don't do anything much but play games, watch DVDs with my new HDTV and hang out with my rat. I recently had 4 nights off work (which I do every other week) and only left the apt to get food/snacks 2 times. So I was...
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I agree with you man. you have to be who you are on the inside. otherwise you really ARE just a waste of space.

my advice is to try not to worry about (easier said than done, I know). girls seem to just fall in your lap, you don't hunt them down (well the good ones aren't sitting in bars waiting to be picked up) and most of the girls don't real like guys that give off a desparate vibe.

the SGNC group ignores me too... but hey people who don't think there aren't stuck up snotty people in the "alternative scene" aren't really part of it. besides you you get too fed up with SG I'm beta testing for a start up site and my best friend is one of the three partners. you seem pretty cool (star wars geeks need to stick together) and if you're interested I can try to see if I can get you added too if you're interested. and no honestly I have no money and no time invested in this so this isn't a sales pitch. you won't have to pay as a beta. they're going for more alternative women than SGs current influx of new girls. if you're interested let me know and I'll send you their myspace link.

anyhow, take care man, life has a funny way of working out sometimes. I hope it does for you.
"my advice is to try not to worry about (easier said than done, I know). girls seem to just fall in your lap, you don't hunt them down (well the good ones aren't sitting in bars waiting to be picked up) and most of the girls don't real like guys that give off a desparate vibe."

I dont set around worrying about it. I dont ever hunt girls down, hell I never even talk to anyone really. I never give off a desperate vibe either, being as I dont meet or talk to anyone. lol. I was just writing some feelings down in the post, its not something I ramble all day about or annoy the world with.

yes, id be interested in your beta test site. send me alink.

So, my other rat Nina is in her final phase of life. About a month ago her back left leg quit working right and she developed a mamory tumor on her chest. I took her to the vet and either she has a tumor in her spinal chord interfering with the leg, or her back is out of place....either way the vet cant do much....
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OMG!!! The past week of work was HELL!!!!!!!!

Night 1: From the moment I got to work I was inundated with weird doses, odd/abnormal drugs to mix....and of course they all are the ones that take like 20 min to make or constitute.

Night 2: Had to make a bunch of chemo that wasn't made by the the chemo tech and I WAS ALREADY BUSY...
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awesome star wars find!

sorry about your crappy work week and your poor rat's woes.

guild wars rocks, and i do have the software...... ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
New Year, same shit

Well, I worked all the way through Christmas and new years, pretty much two weeks straight. Holidays and all that don't mean much to me, its just another day and I can get time and a half for working them. So, its now 2006 and nothing is new, as usual I'm single with no hope of ever not being single. This...
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i worked through the holidays too. we had a week off from nursing school which temporarily helped me feel able to cope with school....


well focusing on art is awesome.

that's kind of like what i do with the parts i'm not so blocked on...like reading the text book (pretty intersting)
I take breaks and play star wars galaxies, or this thing:falling sand game

i just tend to spend more time reaching level 90 than I do memorizing the endocrine system...

right now, i'm doing the documentation for my psych rotation from clinical.....
i've updated my sg page
i've looked at porn
i've played galaxies
i played the sand game
i made a sandwhich.....

and finally just did 3/4 of the thing before i checked my page just now....

it would be better if i could make myself do this before 1 am when i have to be up at 7 am...

oh well. i am actually doing the stuff. which is what counts.
awesome lightsabers smile
Somehow my favorite suicide girls went away...I sure didnt do it. Finding them all again is a pain in the ass...so I made a new one. mad
Mine did the same thing about an hour or so ago!


maybe they are upgrdading so we can have more than 5...5 isnt enough!!!
Love it, I wish I could do art.

Yeah, I know I am not a people person either...I had to force myself to do it....it is hard to get over the hump. But once I get going it isn't too bad. I have learned if I want something done, I have to do it myself. It is still like highschool out there...I don't think that will ever change. I was on date last night with I woman who is 6 years older than me, she has been dating men 6-7 years older than her. She said that I was more mature than them. I guess maturity is relitive...(high school bullshit still!)