So some of you already know about this but I breed spiders. Tarantulas, to be more specific. I find them both beautiful and interesting to keep as pets. So I´ve decided to share my love for these misunderstood animals with you guys, along with some factoids to spread the knowledge. This here is Pterinochylus Murinus, or as we in the hobby call it, OBT. That stands for Orange Baboon Tarantula, or, as we breeders call it, the Orange Bitey Thing. It is native to Africa, has beautiful colours (there are 3 more color variants) and, between the species that are kept by hobbysts, it´s one of the most aggressive ones. In the second photo you can see her in an attack posture, she was ready to maul my finger. Most tarantula bites are non dangerous to humans, comparable maybe to a bee sting. This guy here is other business completely. She can numb your entire arm, that is, after several, long minutes of intense, agonizing pain. So when I see her make a threat posture, I let her be. I never manipulate these animals, they are not toys to be played with. They are beautiful, and they should be treated with respect. Anyways, this is the first one... If you guys like it I´ll keep posting!!!! Cheers!