Been a while since I posted so heres a good ol' update

- Moved home a month ago.

- still un-employed

- will be re-employed during the month of October at Canobie Lake Park for SpookyWorld

- still not an Oscar(c) winning filmmaker.

So, yeah. Thats my life right now.

I'll check back in when things are more interesting.
No shit, they're doing Spooky World @Canobie now?

I wish I could've made it out back when Tiny Tim was still alive and liked to show up.

Making Music

Thats what I've been doing since the move. Just makin' music.

King Crazy is my pen-name

King Crazy (the Myspace Page)

The concept is Orchestral Electronic Music that will be tied together with short films and stories about the main character, King Crazy.

I was bored, this came about, and you know what? I'm proud of it.

The track "The Empire of Dust"...
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Thanks for the b-day wishes.
Today is the day folks. I move up north for greener pastures, and all that nonsense...

I will still be here visiting and what not

I will also return to SpookyWorld this year (its at Canobie Lake Park this year, tons of fun, come one and all)

It's been fucking sweet, Boston.

To the friends I've made, Sid, Alyk, and all the SG Boston people....
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Best of luck to ya, man. biggrin

Last year, when the new Harry Potter book came out, I used my magical photoshop skills to whip a teaser poster for the film of said book.


The image is based of of a striking image in the book, a crumpled piece of paper with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. I made the symbol look a little more hand drawn, but still the...
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When I'm at the pearly gates
This'll be on my videotape
My videotape
My videotape

When Mephistopheles is just beneath
And he's reaching up to grab me

This is one for the good days
And I have it all here
In red blue green
In red blue green

You are my center when I spin away
Out of control on videotape
On videotape...
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I haven't listened to a whole lot of them, actually.

"Heath Ledger is Dead"

It was a horrible thing to wake up to back in January. I was shocked. Everyone was messaging me to tell me, my roommates, my girlfriend, co-workers...everyone. I sat in shock as I looked at the news websites reporting the horrid, horrid news. I (risking my manliness here, folks) started to cry. I was sad, very sad.

At first I though...
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It's going to be surreal, I know that much.

Let's go while Sid is in town!

P.S. one of my favorite bff's, Hooraydiation, is thinking about moving to Allston in September. If you're looking to share the rent with someone who practically has the same exact interests as you, we should all meet up and have some Korean sushi or something.
So I got asked to leave my favorite job...that made my week suck quite a bit.

on top of that, internet has been a real whore lately...so, yeah...I need hardcore cheering up.

I think Batman will do the trick in a few weeks, but until then...I don't know what will. whatever
OOF. No good.

Hope something else comes around soon. smile

As I have said many, many, many times before in my blog...i love me some Batman...and boy howdy, am I balls to the walls excitited for July 18th.

Like, on the edge of my seat. I've had dreams about it (no, serioulsy)

and to be honest, it will be the sweetest icing on a cake of an already pretty fun summer movie season.

Anyway, I...
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Hanging in there, personally.

The Dark Knight is going to be surreal. 'Nuff said.

thank you DS.

I'm so stoked for that fucking movie.

Seeing it on IMAX?
Update time.

As my last poste stated, I have a girlfriend, whom I love dearly. She is an angel in the darkness...and that may sound cliche, or stupid, or whatever, but I totally mean it.

Work is going better than it has in a year (since I got a new job, actually) I am working two jobs, bringing in decent money, and working to pay...
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Kelly Barr at Chameleon in Harvard Sq. Great artist.
Ugh, I'm so old, dude.
So I, for the first time, officially, in my 21 years of life, have a girlfriend.

I am in shock. and in love.