Fuck your swamp water, fuck your humidity, fuck your boats, fuck your old bay, fuck your crabs, fuck your crackheads, fuck your 10oz beers, fuck your back wood inbred people, fuck your slow ass "high speed" internet, fuck your worlds worst IHOP, fuck your bullshit taxes, fuck your gun control laws, fuck your red skins, fuck your shitty wal-mart, fuck your lack of attractive women,...
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That's alot of fucks.
I have a lot of hatred for this place
So I just got dumped over the phone... by a chick that wasn't even really my girlfriend... how the fuck does that happen? For that matter, why do I care?.. But i do care... I'm gonna start a group called "never getting married"
Seacrest OUT

Seacrest OUT

So for some reason all of us that work nights had to be in at 11am. Just so we could partake in the festive thanksgiving feast (consisting of cold turkey, cold smashed potatoes, cold stuffing, cold gravy, so on and so on) that none of us really care about in the first place. As if being forced to wake up before noon wasn't bad enough......
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All in all not a bad Monday. It was a little too hot for my tastes, but i think anything over 70 is hot. The night went by quick seeing as i spent most of it in the cockpit running the engines on one of our jets... hopefully the rest of the week goes by as quick.
t minus 9 days till i get to...
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t minus 9 days till i get to...
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You have no idea how happy it makes me to see an new set from Bully!!!!
Me too!!!
Some day i'm gonna marry that girl
formerly known as Punk303

So... as of late. I have come to realize that my friends are very few and for the most part far between. It would appear that I that am only called upon when others need something... It's getting old. 

So I was going to write some profound shit tonight (which is actually nothing more then my own idiotic ramblings, and/or complete crap that I probably just made up anyway)... but I had a fairly shitty night at work, and this week is dragging on way too slow. Now I don't know about you, but my mommy always told me "if you don't have anything...
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god I wish I'd seen that. Sounds funny as hell
I laughed about it, till i had to go fix it.
Does anyone actually read this???
Well... seeing as there are people that pay attention. I guess I will have to dust off the old soap box

Got shitfaced last night, ended up doing brodies in the field behind the bar. My truck is splattered with mud and grass. then i spent all day too hungover to get anything accomplished

I would update this a lot more... but i have a feeling that no one cares anyway