So I haven’t thought about this place in a loooooong time. Then one day I’m scrolling through instagram and there’s an ad for a place selling “vintage” t shirts and lo and behold one of the shirts in the ad was a Suicide Girls shirt. I thought, wow. That’s a place I haven’t been to in a while. I saw the site still existed and...
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So the new Mastodon album leaked onto the interwebs. Now normally i wont download an album of a band i love off of bit torrent or anything, but i just couldn't take the suspense anymore. After the first listen through my laptop speakers i was like "wow". Then i put that bitch on my iphone, plugged in the ear buds cranked up the volume and...
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Looks cute!
I broke down and shaved it.....im very sad that its gone but im happy about seeing my face again. i'll post a pic soon...
So i've been growing my obi-wan beard for close to 3 months now. I really really really miss my face (handsome and adorable as it is) BUT i've become so attached to my beard that i don't really want to shave it off. Do you see my dilemma? Any words of wisdom? Anyone?

new pic of me and said beard up....
keep oit a little longer, take some rad pictures, come show me at the philadelphia convention next weekend, then you can shave it off you have your face back!
ugh....i hate work related bullshit. i hurt my foot 2 weeks ago on the job. i slipped on the ice and banged it on someones railing. when it happened i hopped around and cursed everyone in existence for a few, but then it felt alright. it was a little sore for the next few days but i figured it would go away. 2 weeks of...
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lol yea if i was delivering pizzas to you i highly doubt i'd just hand you the pizza and walk away. you'd probably lure me into your house with candy or something tongue

that sucks about your foot. i hope you're ok... smile
Just got done watching Star Wars: A New Hope on tv for the bazillionth time (not that im complaining, Heres to a bazillion more!) and maybe it was my mood or something, but i was irritated by something that happens in the movie. At the end when the Death Star comes within firing range of the Rebel base on Yavin IV, Grand Moff Tarkin says,...
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i don't know Star Wars.. But I've missed you!
i know stephen hawkins says it wont happen (which is good enough for me)....but just in case we all die tomorrow as a result of the world imploding or some other sort of mega-disaster related to this---->http://science.slashdot.org/science/08/09/09/2142259.shtml......i just want to say thanks to everyone for the ride over the last couple of years. i love you all. May the Force be with you.......always.
i just realized its been over 9 months since my last post.....so im posting just for the sake of posting.....

i hope all is well biggrin