So, I want to talk about a few things. I want everyone who reads this to know, that I am far from a racist person, and I am not a biggot or anything. With that said, I want to talk about something....and that something in the Muslims. Now, blah, blah, I hope not to start a shit storm on me, or get myself zotted.
So, sure, I agree, America should not have jumped so quickly on this war in Iraq, and it's true, more soldiers have died in the occupation of Iraq, as opposed to the intial war into the country itself. That's right, I used the words, occupation of Iraq. I want everyone to understand something....I understand the war, and I understand why we are still in Iraq, I understand that if we were to leave Iraq rigth now, that it would get really, really ugly (wait, it's already really, really ugly there as is). Yes, conditions are worst now then they have been (well not completely). I know that alot of things are in the news spotlight because of everything going on.
Anyways, to the point.......I was born and raised Catholic, and if someone wanted to draw a cartoon about the pope and publish is in th weekend, I'd be like, 'eh okay, whatever, and I'd take my 50 cents and go buy a USA today and then pop in a video game and ignore it (that's the greatest thing about having the freedom to choose what I do, I can IGNORE something if I want to). So, about a year ago, a cartoon was drawn in Europe depicting Muhammad, and all these Muslim's got in an uproar about it. They started protesting and burning stuff. I mean, come on what the say that the Islamic religion is the most peaceful, yet if someone pisses you off, you protest and burn shit.
Then Pope Benedict, yeah, he referenced some quote saying that "Some of Mummad's teachings were cruel and evil." So, this outraged the then ephagies of the pope were burned and descreated. There, if I'm not mistaken two different nuns that were killed by Muslim's because of what the pope said.
Whoa! Whoa! WAIT! Hold on!
Everytime I turn around, I hear from people, that the Muslim religion is one of the most "peaceful" religions in the world. Wait, how come any time someone pisses off the followers of Muhammad, do you always hear in the news about their violent reactions, and their call to arms over it. It's want people to think you arne't the bad guy, yet you haven't given reason for anyone to believe you. How about we consider this....instead of protesting by burning the American flag, or KILL THE INFIDELS! KILL THE INFIDELS! Why don't you try buying a highway sign that says "God Muhammad?" Instead of resorting to violent outburts, why don't you try maybe peacefully protesting.
They call us the infidels......yet I believe they hate America because it was created by Christian Men with Christian values.......In God We Trust they's stamped all over our money........we are free to do as we want, choose to do what we want. It's these freedoms, it's the fact that we have the freedom of speech, it's the fact that we have the freedom to peacefully assemble. It's the fact that we have the freedom to choose how we worship, and what God we want to worship. It's the fact that we have the right to bare arms, and stand up for what we believe. It's the fact that women can vote. It's these freedoms that every America, it's the fact that we have the ability to be whatever we want, and do whatever we want that they hate America.
They call us the infidels, yet we are the ones that have a wonderful nation of freedoms. They call us the infidels, yet, they are the ones who treat their women as second rate creatures. This coming from the people who believe that's under their religious laws it's okay to beat a woman for disobeying a man. They call us the infidels yet they are the ones that have mud and dirt buildings.
For a religion that claims to be peaceful and not preach sure seems that most of the countries where this religion is prominent there is a hatred for the Western World, and for America. They seem to have a hatred for anyone who speaks ill against their religion.
Did you know, that the Muslim's have a 100 year plan to turn America into an Islamic run country???
Okay, I'm done.
So, sure, I agree, America should not have jumped so quickly on this war in Iraq, and it's true, more soldiers have died in the occupation of Iraq, as opposed to the intial war into the country itself. That's right, I used the words, occupation of Iraq. I want everyone to understand something....I understand the war, and I understand why we are still in Iraq, I understand that if we were to leave Iraq rigth now, that it would get really, really ugly (wait, it's already really, really ugly there as is). Yes, conditions are worst now then they have been (well not completely). I know that alot of things are in the news spotlight because of everything going on.
Anyways, to the point.......I was born and raised Catholic, and if someone wanted to draw a cartoon about the pope and publish is in th weekend, I'd be like, 'eh okay, whatever, and I'd take my 50 cents and go buy a USA today and then pop in a video game and ignore it (that's the greatest thing about having the freedom to choose what I do, I can IGNORE something if I want to). So, about a year ago, a cartoon was drawn in Europe depicting Muhammad, and all these Muslim's got in an uproar about it. They started protesting and burning stuff. I mean, come on what the say that the Islamic religion is the most peaceful, yet if someone pisses you off, you protest and burn shit.
Then Pope Benedict, yeah, he referenced some quote saying that "Some of Mummad's teachings were cruel and evil." So, this outraged the then ephagies of the pope were burned and descreated. There, if I'm not mistaken two different nuns that were killed by Muslim's because of what the pope said.
Whoa! Whoa! WAIT! Hold on!
Everytime I turn around, I hear from people, that the Muslim religion is one of the most "peaceful" religions in the world. Wait, how come any time someone pisses off the followers of Muhammad, do you always hear in the news about their violent reactions, and their call to arms over it. It's want people to think you arne't the bad guy, yet you haven't given reason for anyone to believe you. How about we consider this....instead of protesting by burning the American flag, or KILL THE INFIDELS! KILL THE INFIDELS! Why don't you try buying a highway sign that says "God Muhammad?" Instead of resorting to violent outburts, why don't you try maybe peacefully protesting.
They call us the infidels......yet I believe they hate America because it was created by Christian Men with Christian values.......In God We Trust they's stamped all over our money........we are free to do as we want, choose to do what we want. It's these freedoms, it's the fact that we have the freedom of speech, it's the fact that we have the freedom to peacefully assemble. It's the fact that we have the freedom to choose how we worship, and what God we want to worship. It's the fact that we have the right to bare arms, and stand up for what we believe. It's the fact that women can vote. It's these freedoms that every America, it's the fact that we have the ability to be whatever we want, and do whatever we want that they hate America.
They call us the infidels, yet we are the ones that have a wonderful nation of freedoms. They call us the infidels, yet, they are the ones who treat their women as second rate creatures. This coming from the people who believe that's under their religious laws it's okay to beat a woman for disobeying a man. They call us the infidels yet they are the ones that have mud and dirt buildings.
For a religion that claims to be peaceful and not preach sure seems that most of the countries where this religion is prominent there is a hatred for the Western World, and for America. They seem to have a hatred for anyone who speaks ill against their religion.
Did you know, that the Muslim's have a 100 year plan to turn America into an Islamic run country???
Okay, I'm done.
No, my dear. It was created by freethinkers and deists, not Christians. Christianity is one of the most violent, bigoted, narrowminded cults on the planet. How can you say it was Christianity that gave women the right to vote when there are Christian sects that, to this day, don't allow women to lead their congregations? Christianity is the reason we don't have full equality for everyone in this country. Look at the battles over gay marriage - Christians are the ones who are against it.
As for Muslims, I agree with you. They're as violent, bigoted and narrowminded as Christians. Probably worse, since they embrace martyrdom as a legitimate method of getting their point across.
If you want peace and freedom for everyone, you have to reject religion. It's as simple as that.