This mask is a reference to Eyes Wide Shut, which Stanley Kubrick was killed on by Scientologists and I was looking into since before High School.
The caption "Porn for Women" on the left signals subconsciously to the populous of Raleigh that I am porn for women, a prostitute, male one, like Julia and Yosefa (Scientologists, I later found out, my eyes were wide shut at the time) would call me at Warren Wilson, that Scientologists called me later, and said they wanted to rape and kidnap me for getting out of it. Julia was a Scientologist and they paid the papers off to put me in there as "Porn for Women," or know people in the Editor's office, etc. of the News & Observer. I've been owned my whole life.
I know I'm in like OMG mode all over; sometimes these slights seem random, but you turn around after 20 years of this and it's like...that doesn't add up. I've had City Council members try to prostitute me to each other; my former wife, Julia the Scientologist, her father worked on the Board of Education and her brother was a cop; she'd call me her prostitute, and when we broke up is when the attempts at prostituting me started happening. I've had women where they'd offer a place when I needed one who ended up sucking on me and leaving me money later. I've been by the Church of Scientology and they've threatened to rape me into prostitution, and I immediately left and all these businesses all over Hollywood, the management started repeating the same threat, and I later learned Scientology has an organization called WISE that is a conglomerate of businesses that support Scientology and receive tax breaks for it. Some of these business managers threatened to castrate me for resisting prostitution, and I fought with them, and got setup on 3 years prison time for a bruised pinky of one of theirs, while they testified they had started it and walked away clean. Imagine how many Hollywood managers have to pay their rent and join WISE to make ends meet. Shit's fucked. On top of that, I learn the Sheriff here is one, and the former Sheriff, arrested by the FBI for racism, also supported them, bringing their deputies to all their galas to meet and dine their women; I'm here having written a script against them, and there's some definite conspiracy level shit going on here---even the FBI confirmed when I made a report, that this was their suspicion as well.