I used to write blogs here all the time
it's not that i'm not active on the site but I definitely feel less like sharing my life or my thoughts or anything other than the occasional shot of a pretty girl. I think a part of my love for this site or at least personal expression suffered for a little bit, but maybe it's time to write out my thoughts again. To be honest though I haven't really done anything worth talking about so maybe that's also why. I look at my past blogs and they're always about whats ahead and then here I am a few months/years later and shit is still the same.
I wonder and think about the passion I used to have for photography in general. At first I felt SG was an amazing opportunity for my photographic work, and what ive discovered is that, you toss me a great model and some great light and you'll get the perfect suicidegirls set. Which is great for SG sets, but the more I think about it, not so great for personal work . I used to have the passion but these days I just end up doing test shoots with people and nothing more. Testing for the great unknown but I have the ability to pretty much create any image I want but do I? nope.
its a bit frustrating to be the only person standing in my way. But passion how does it get reignited?
in the meantime
@moon and I were able to predict that you'd all love her set that just came out in member review
I'm not gonna post pics, but click above to see the set if ya havent yet, and if you haven't you suck :D
at any way we shot another right before the last one came out and it's amazing. better than the set above for sure, but then again my 2nd sets with girls are always that much better.
quick notes
I have two absolutely cute maybe hopefuls. I say maybe because I want them to have the best experience for SG but I don't know if i have confidence in the system as it is, my ability to bring new hopefuls into the fold, along with competitiveness etc.. to get them on the site but they're gorgeous...
JJ - instagram: @motherlucifer
Justice - instagram: nicotinefiend_
Portland needs new suicidegirls
I have a soft spot for blondes
I got a new camera
I have to go for now.