A week ago I was in this gigantic house with 20+ beautiful suicidegirls... hate me yet? I'm sorry but sometimes you just have to sit back and reap the rewards of all the hard work that you've accomplished and just enjoy it.
SOOOOO for all you following the antics of Suicidegirls Portugal Shootfest 2014 the first set is now in member review and it is by far one of my favorite and best sets yet
@janesinner is a gorgeous redhead from Russia, I love to shoot girls from all across the globe because they're so unique and different than the day to day girls here, not to diss on american girls but everyone likes variety right?? Even though she was quiet and sweet, when she walked through a room people paid attention if you know what I mean ;)
So I present to you
Janesinner <--- click this
Other sets I shot in Portugal
finally got to shoot with @gogo who had been on my list ever since I discovered Suicidegirls with the Italian Villa.
@elliott - the asian girl with blue eyes <3
@Mendacia - bringing you part 2 of sexy bed romps
Brazilian beauty @zad
@katherine - been dying to shoot her for AGES! the camera loves her
same with super adorable @mel
@eden - loved this italian girl so much the first time I met her at the last shootfest, had to shoot her this time. did you know she beats people up for sport?
@waikiki another italian and fellow staff photographer, love this woman
@yuxi - her hair matches her eyes, insane
and while we didn't get to shoot a set i met and got to shoot some portraits with the lovely @annalee shes returning to SG after 2 years and some other photographers have sets of her so keep an eye out for those!
got a few more girls to list but I don't have previews yet =(
so yeah enjoy for now. later SG