this year started out fairly crappy if I can remember it properly, but juuuuuust about spring time things got a lot awesomer.
I accomplished a lot of my goals I set out to do:
I got a new car
I started AND finished my first photo book "Girls in Hoodies"
I traveled to Portland and Los Angeles twice to shoot photos! (usually I don't travel at all)
got published in a national magazine - Inked Girls
made a ton of new friends mostly because of this site, and everyone has been good people....
shot with many girls I had only dreamed of before....
got a new camera, and a new film camera...
and most importantly, became staff photographer for Suicide girls!
Some of my favorite shots of the year:
so 2011, I really hope you're just as good as 2010 if not better! things seem to be lined up to be pretty good
Rambo and I plan on making the bay area a new SG hotspot, just like Ohio, and I think we have the means to finally do that. as the girls have been saying "TEAM DARKO FTW"
I plan on visiting the beautiful city of Portland again.
other plans this year? move to Portugal for a few months.
and finally make enough money doing the thing I love to support myself to a level of comfortability.....
and of course shoot shoot shoot!
thank you everyone who's supported me this year... it means a lot.
p.s. to the girls i've been trying to arrange dates to shoot with, i'm a get on the ball in the new year, which is.... tomorrow =)