The full set with Smurf should be in queue sometime next week, unless they've had an influx of actual SG submittals for January, the average seems to be like 6 sg sets a week and a billion hopeful sets. I'm hoping that changes as 90% of hopefuls is crap. Personally i'd rather see an SG set on the page for a longer amount of time so the members that do only log in a few times a week will see it. But then again I could say a ton more about MR and why I feel like it should be revamped in someways but i wont. Back to the photos at hand.
I think i've kind of turned a corner with shooting my sets, when this set comes out i'm going to ask for hard critiques on all my sets, and explain why I feel some weren't as successful as others. But comparing this latest one to my last one I think everyone will notice a slight change in style and approach, and hopefully it's for the better and will in the end lead me to some terrific sets in the future.
So it occurred to me that I actually don't look at a lot of sets which is kind of ironic seeing how I'm a photographer or something. I think sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of pictures so I don't know where to begin.. But here are 3 choices from Set of the day and MR that i've noticed...
and... i'd totally add Zippo's upcoming set whenever it makes an appearance
gratuitous plug my own set link
Indy_ - House Arrest
she came to me this week a bit disappointed she hasn't turned pink yet and didn't know if she was gonna shoot another set. I then proceeded to tell her 780 comments in 1 week is not an easy task and if the photography was better (which is my fault) and there was a theme (again my fault), it probably would have gone up... but yeah i'm hoping she's not too deterred and still wants to at least give it one more shot because my idea with her is AWESOME... There maybe still a chance for this set to go up, but the comments have kinda plateaued.
I fell on your blog kinda randomly, and I'm so happy to see you enjoyed Opale's set