Picture heavy blog below
Friday was my first gallery showing in downtown San Jose! It was rather exciting and a lot of people who I know showed up including Saint. It was great because I ended up selling 2 pieces out of 8, (if only i knew that the gallery took a 40% cut.. ouch.. i would have priced it a little higher) and I honestly didn't think I would sell any at all. My friend who helped put on the show asked me to replenish my business cards because a bunch of people picked em up which could potentially mean more business.
Friday was my first gallery showing in downtown San Jose! It was rather exciting and a lot of people who I know showed up including Saint. It was great because I ended up selling 2 pieces out of 8, (if only i knew that the gallery took a 40% cut.. ouch.. i would have priced it a little higher) and I honestly didn't think I would sell any at all. My friend who helped put on the show asked me to replenish my business cards because a bunch of people picked em up which could potentially mean more business.
And yes, they were partaking in theater fellatio. But no, it was toward the end of the movie.
And yeah, I want the set up, too. I'm excited!