I had a somewhat busy weekend which is exciting for a change!
Started off great with San Jose's 2nd annual subZero fest.
San Jose is slooooowly trying to develop culture and sometimes it works... sometimes it doesn't but it was indeed in rare but good form on Friday night and definately one of those......"FUCK I SHOULDABROUGHTMYCAMERA night" so here are some pics that i stole from people and plus link to my friend's band's performance, complete with taiko drumming and stegosaur
Good Hustle
torwards the end of the night I met up with a margaritavilled Saint and her friends so I was able to explore all the exhibits twice and act like I knew stuff about everything haha.
Saturday I saw The Hangover which was pretty damn funny.
Sunday I was supposed to go location scouting for future shoots with Bob and Saint but unfortunately that got sidelined for the day, but I ended up going to the east bay anyway because I had sorta planned to visit my friend afterwards anyway, and went to Chipotle for the first time. I had to see what the fuss over this place was. It's definitely better than Baja Fresh thats for sure!
Anyway I think my sets supposed to go up in a few weeks, and then hopefully I'll be able to book a few more SG shoots in the meantime I'm planning some other stuff for my gallery show July 10th at Kalied in downtown San Jose sooo hopefully I'll have new stuff by then. I know its a month ahead of time but plan on the 10th! I'm with a bunch of other talented artists as well.
Started off great with San Jose's 2nd annual subZero fest.
San Jose is slooooowly trying to develop culture and sometimes it works... sometimes it doesn't but it was indeed in rare but good form on Friday night and definately one of those......"FUCK I SHOULDABROUGHTMYCAMERA night" so here are some pics that i stole from people and plus link to my friend's band's performance, complete with taiko drumming and stegosaur
Good Hustle

torwards the end of the night I met up with a margaritavilled Saint and her friends so I was able to explore all the exhibits twice and act like I knew stuff about everything haha.
Saturday I saw The Hangover which was pretty damn funny.
Sunday I was supposed to go location scouting for future shoots with Bob and Saint but unfortunately that got sidelined for the day, but I ended up going to the east bay anyway because I had sorta planned to visit my friend afterwards anyway, and went to Chipotle for the first time. I had to see what the fuss over this place was. It's definitely better than Baja Fresh thats for sure!
Anyway I think my sets supposed to go up in a few weeks, and then hopefully I'll be able to book a few more SG shoots in the meantime I'm planning some other stuff for my gallery show July 10th at Kalied in downtown San Jose sooo hopefully I'll have new stuff by then. I know its a month ahead of time but plan on the 10th! I'm with a bunch of other talented artists as well.
What kind of stuff is going in the gallery?
Thanks man. Yeah, that's mostly due to my inexplicable urge to shoot wide open all the time... I seem to prefer it's effect despite all the other negative side effects, such as softness... oh well. And I almost never mess with sharpening in PS.
Maybe I should huh?