In order Aphrodite, Athena, and Kiki aka Wigglebutt.
I didnt get a chance to see the name correctly but I'm hoping to find the young lady who had done a live stream tonight (2/23/23) that ended around 2245ish est. The name had 666 in the middle of it. I happened to catch a glimpse on the profile picture and just wanted to find her to maybe follow her.
Every now and again through out life, we meet people who are gorgeous on the outside, but absolute shit on the inside. I met one of those people here on SG last night. I wish her the best in her endeavors, and maybe not yell at people while she streams.
Good luck to you. And I hope that one day the inside matches what you...
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ISO new gf. If interested please apply. All applications will be looked at. Not a hard job. Must be able to eat, sleep, drink, and have fun. Animal lover a plus, not needed though. MUST ALSO BE POTTY TRAINED!
Just curious as to how many SG's would actually go on a date or attempt a relationship with a follower? (Provided there isnt some clause that SG has in place to prevent that from happening.)