This intimatate biography of shit. Consisting of severed limbs, missing organs.But when it settles you will learn, that bullshit walks, bullshit talks. Go ahead, walk the walk, talk the talk.

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *melodramatic* He's dead!
What's going on?!
What's going on?!
How's it been going man?! I haven't heard from you in forever!
I miss you guys.
mmm, feel the love.

"i'm a fucking fashionite and everywhere i go
i judge people on what they wear before i say hello"
You know what really pisses me off?
When people won't talk to you because you're not scene enough. Fucking scenesters, i'm not sure how bad they are everywhere else but in St. Louis they're annoying as hell. I tried talking to some people and they totally...
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i judge people on what they wear before i say hello"
You know what really pisses me off?
When people won't talk to you because you're not scene enough. Fucking scenesters, i'm not sure how bad they are everywhere else but in St. Louis they're annoying as hell. I tried talking to some people and they totally...
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Well they don't deserve to talk too you anyways

Fuck that

hehe thanks
I must have read the Hitchhiker's Guide ... oh ... say ... 42 times.
I soo should be getting paid for my hip hop skills. Enough of this rapping for free nonsense.

I soo should be getting paid for my hip hop skills. Enough of this rapping for free nonsense.
Ha ha ha, that damn flash cartoon. I laugh every time.
I've come to the conclusion that if I had a theme song it would be weird science.
What would your theme song be?

What would your theme song be?
"Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta" by Geto Boys
I don't even know why i'm here anymore.

awww whyyy what's wrong?!
the_gentleman told me to say hi or he'd gut me. so do all clowns make you sad? or just sad clowns?
I haven't updated in a while, i'm sorry. I really don't have much to say, school keeps me really busy. I'm on aim sometimes though so feel free to contact me there if you'd like.
Metallica - Dyer's Eve (Metallica, thrash kings before they become crap. I'm holding onto the idea that the real metallica is tied up in a closet somewhere while the metallica...
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Metallica - Dyer's Eve (Metallica, thrash kings before they become crap. I'm holding onto the idea that the real metallica is tied up in a closet somewhere while the metallica...
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time to move.
Hello Rolla. .
Hello Rolla. .