Theres a degree of cowardice and willful ignorance around this condition.
- Russell Brand
Testifying before the UK Parliamentary Committee Tuesday, comedian/actor Russell Brand shed light on the disease of addiction. Already perceived as recalcitrant by the somewhat condescending, but well-meaning bunch, he nonetheless tamed down his usual giddiness/mania (saving it for the finale). Brand chose, instead, to peacock with his floor-length leather jacket, allowing his expertise in recovery and addiction to lead quite impressively.
Theres some confusion and ignorance around addiction, and its quite understandable. A lot of drug addicts, speaking personally, are anti-socialBeing arrested is not a lesson. Its an administrative blip [when] I had access to abstinence-based recovery I was able toall but obliterate my criminal activity, apart from the occasional skirmish, the funny man said.
With the aim of providing firsthand knowledge about addiction, the former heroin-addict (and admitted recovering sex addict) who was arrested eleven times, stressed that addiction is an illness, and thus a health issue not a judicial one.
read the rest at SUICIDEGIRLS
Speaking of not giving up....I haven't given up on meeting you yet. 

For all his eccentric behaviour, I have to say the man is a poster boy for rehab. He's certainly clever, funny and despite his penchant for pants-dropping, he does a lot to confound the conservative belief that reformed drug users are burnt out husks with nothing to offer.