New Red, White and Femme for SG is live!
Ready for a lil true story madness? This month, my column Red, White and Femme for SuicideGirls reveals what my junior high school experience was like! Curious? Go on take a gander: [BULLY]
And, please, leave your thoughts, comments, and pathos below the story. I read every one.
<-- Did your adventurous school days look like that or something else? Tell a girl.
Exes and Ohs,
Darrah x
Ready for a lil true story madness? This month, my column Red, White and Femme for SuicideGirls reveals what my junior high school experience was like! Curious? Go on take a gander: [BULLY]
And, please, leave your thoughts, comments, and pathos below the story. I read every one.

Exes and Ohs,
Darrah x