While it might be obvious by now to anyone who has read my previous blogs I like to play video games and write for hobbies. Unbeknownst to many outside my own social circle however is that I have yet another hobby, building a bug out bag. While I'm not really expecting any apocalyptic event in the future I've found that learning about survivalism and all the tools you'd need to be self sustaining out in the wild is quite an interesting topic. Not only does it make me feel a bit better to have something like this in the off chance that something bad were to happen to social order but it's made me reflect greatly on how most people have lost touch with what it means to actually have to survive on your own without the support of any major institution. All the more developed societies in the world today that think they are so great have become nothing more than children of their respective governments and that's a scary situation to be in. (At least for me.)
So without further ado here are two pics of my survival pack. One has all the stuff neatly laid out while the other is all packed up and ready to go.
Three things about this pack so far.
Most of the items I got second had from my father. He was in the military and still has some of his old gear which is actually very useful stuff.
Number two is that this pack is still a work in progress, I have a few more things to add.
Lastly the two water bottles in the picture get replaced constantly. I drink them and then replace them right away so my bag is ready to go at any time with fresh water. hehe
Anyhow I'm open to suggestions on things I can add. Thus far I want to add a compass, some freeze dried food packets, needles suitable for suturing wounds, a basic but compact fishing kit, a few Lifestraws, perhaps an emergency warming blanket, and a rain poncho. I've even kicked around the idea of getting some climbing ropes and gear but I have absolutely no training in that field. (unless you count the one year I went on a class field trip to a nature retreat where we had to scale a recreational wall)
Now before I end this blog (though this is slightly mushy and off topic )I'd like to say that I'm thankful I have a place to share these things with such accepting people. Even the very small reactions I've gotten to my blog posts has shown me I'm not alone in this world and that fills me with the confidence I need to be myself and show the world I'm not ashamed to be who I am. After all, no one is perfect so we might as well revel in the imperfections that make us unique.