I've been living in my apartment now for about two months and things are so far going well. My room mate and I don't see each other too much but when we do we have little trouble getting along. Bills are being paid, work is being done, and I'm slowly rebuilding my life again. I'm actually getting to the point now where things are starting to feel normal again... well at least my version of normal. :)
One thing I've gotten back into and want to share here is my YouTube channel. I started it a few years ago and maintained it until other things got in the way. It's mostly a channel with vids of me playing video games so it's nothing too special. My newest vid is from a game called The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. Other vids on my channel have Minecraft, Amnesia, Dead Space 2, and some other various titles. Even got a few beta access videos from back in the day. heh.
I'll post more vids semi regularly.
Other than that it's just been the every day grind of work, television, writing, and even a little bit of sleep here and there.
In closing I guess I feel like this is the life I left behind in hopes of finding something better. Now I realize I always had what I needed all around me, I just failed to embrace it. I won't easily make that mistake again. :)