Got "Gifted" an account.
So I'll be looking around, from time to time.
Deleted a bunch of "Friends", left a bunch of groups.
Deleted pictures I forgot to take down. All my profile information.
Sorry, there will be no funny pictures.
I think I set my blog to "Friends Only". If you're seeing this, I think you're AWESOME
and I wish to see what you're up too, these days.
But I don't think I'm really looking to rejoin the SG Collective.
Would go look at some boobs now but I'm sleeping.
(Yes, I'm THAT not blahzay about it all )
<---Why is there a Luchador emoticon? Does it mean you wanna fight?
So I'll be looking around, from time to time.
Deleted a bunch of "Friends", left a bunch of groups.
Deleted pictures I forgot to take down. All my profile information.
Sorry, there will be no funny pictures.
I think I set my blog to "Friends Only". If you're seeing this, I think you're AWESOME
and I wish to see what you're up too, these days.
But I don't think I'm really looking to rejoin the SG Collective.
Would go look at some boobs now but I'm sleeping.
(Yes, I'm THAT not blahzay about it all )

You are still around? I have missed you!
Someone told me to try and log in.