Sorry I've been a bad internet friend. The physical world has been kinda hectic.
Work, parties, friends and family have had me running around like a chicken with my head
cut off. While not a horrible time, I could have used more sleep.
During this time, I've noticed that my mood was changing. I was becoming really down when
I was alone. Then I noticed Christmas shit for sale at Walgreens.
Yes, it's that time of the year again. S.A.D. season!
This will be the first winter, in five years, I won't be on some kind of med. So this should be
interesting, to say the least.
But don't worry. I'll fight off and continue to be my silly self. But be prepared for some
Emo Interludes.
Hope all of you have been well!
I'll be checking in soon!
Forgive me, for this....
Motivation Time!