I took a four day weekend form work, starting yesterday. Woke up Friday morning with a
goddamn head cold.
Perfect! I had every intention of drinking and acting an ass for the first two nights.
There goes those plans. Yeah, I'm a little pissed.
Since I've started eating better, I've lost 10 pounds.
FUCK YEAH! From 223 to 213! Just 13 more and I'm happy.
Still need to get the whole time management thing down so I can start working out more,
but I figure it'll probably be best to keep myself around 200.
My house if fucking freezing. Though it probably explains the head cold.
Feels colder in here than it does outside. But it's too early
and really not cold enough outside for the landlord to turn on the heat. I had to open the
windows yesterday to warm the place up!
Funny thing; before the temp dropped in here, Bagheera, my cat, went ape shit chasing
something around the house. Could this mean we have a guest?
Whatever you do, don't click this spoiler!
Motivation Time!