So I don't know what's going on!
Either I have Hayfever or a cold I'm in the last stages of. Either way I'm stuck in the house of a Friday night.
And I really want a beer too.

So many super hero movies being made these days. I should be in Fan Boy Heaven. But...
Yes, this is a blog full of absolute sillyness.
Would you like me to go back to being all emo?
Didn't think so!
One more
I thought Wanted was being released this week.
But candykydfairy informed me of how WRONG is was. Thanks, lady. you ruined my weekend!
Going to a BBQ Sunday, sick or not. It's in Wrigleyville which is the neighborhood whe Wrigleyfield is located. The Cubs will be playing the White Sox that evening which means a LOT of drunk people will be around.
Hope you lovely people have a good weekend.
And keep them goddamn babies out the street!
Hope youre feeling better. Being sick is the worst...especially when it's nice out.
How psyched are you for the Dark Knight? I cannot wait. Hopefully seeing Hulk tomorrow. We'll see.
Take it sleazy