Funny story about my phone. The cleaning crew at my office had it. They claim they found it in the mens room garbage. Which is funny cause I thought I left it on my desk, but when a co-worker who works weekends checked for me, it wasn't there (leaving me to believe I must have lost it. But it's hard to lie when you don't speak the language well. And when you don't clear the calls you made Friday and Saturday night from the phone's Call History, you loose some points also.
But, I got the phone back, so be it. I'm still getting a new one next week. I like new toys!
Been feeling weird lately. Like my skin is too heavy for my body.
I catch myself frowning and walking around with my head done.
Not all the time, just more than normal for near April.
I guess you can say, I have a little dark storm cloud following me.
I think I need something good to happen. One of those, "Life is pretty good" things.
I think I'm in a rut. And my attempts at getting out of it aren't working.
Suggestions would be most appreciated.
Almost everyone I know is having major problems right now. I think we might come out of it once the weather cooperates a little.
He is a German/Flemish Giant Bunny named Herman and I love him! There is a whole breed of giant bunnies (they usually don't get that huge, but they're still way big for a bunny) called Flemish (or German) Giants.