Have you heard what some analyst are saying about the whole "Recession" thing?
They're saying it's due to the fear of a Democrat winning the White House.
Really? Are you sure it's not;
The rising cost of healthcare and health insurance?
The high price of gas and other energy sources?
The unstable job market with outsourcing, layoffs and buyouts?
Or consumer confidence with sub par products being produced in America and U.S. based companies abroad. Like cars, cloths and electronics that aren't made to last long.
Or toys and clothing for children that are unsafe that lead back to the healthcare question?
Or maybe, just maybe, all of the above leading us to buy only that which is necassary so we can save money in this current economy that does not favor the poor and middle class?
History has proven that tax breaks for the rich do not "trickle down" to the lower tax brackets. Infact, the poor and middle classes feel the pinch worst when this happens.
Also, we won't actually know if we are in a recession for an other six months.
And let's not forget that the country went into a recession right after Bush was elected for his first term, before 9/11.
During the Clinton adminsistration the national deficit went away and a surplus was built (which Bush blew with his first economic stimulous package, that didn't work). I used to recieve, no exageration, 4 times as much back during income tax time during the Clinton administration than I did during the Bush administration.
I used to spend money like I was rapper with a contract! Now I sometimes have trouble making ends meet.
With the exception of Jimmy Carter (though, in retrospect, we should have listened to his views on global warming, alternative energy sources, dependence on Middle Eastern Oil and the economy) the previous elected Democrats elected for president had very high approval ratings with their legacies tarnished by personal decisions (man whores. Come on, White Water doesn't really count). Where as George W. and George H. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon have their presidences mared in questionable political, economic, foreign relations and military practices. And they served to divide the country more than unite. The only one that can be spoken of well is Reagan, and what do they say? He was a great speaker. HE WAS A FUCKING ACTOR!!! DUH!!!
Being that the primary focuses of this years election are the first female candidate and the first Black candidate with an actual shot (Do you really thing Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton could have been elected?) ,and that they are Democrats in a world tired of the Republican Party and it's candidates, has to have the Republican Party and its supporters scared to death. But, in a nation with such a shotty educational system as ours, they may be able to scare others who don't remember history. And we know they aren't above using fear to get what they want.
Why did you people let me get back invovled in politics and shit?
I was happy with apathy! Now y'all got me thinking and shit!
They're saying it's due to the fear of a Democrat winning the White House.
Really? Are you sure it's not;
The rising cost of healthcare and health insurance?
The high price of gas and other energy sources?
The unstable job market with outsourcing, layoffs and buyouts?
Or consumer confidence with sub par products being produced in America and U.S. based companies abroad. Like cars, cloths and electronics that aren't made to last long.
Or toys and clothing for children that are unsafe that lead back to the healthcare question?
Or maybe, just maybe, all of the above leading us to buy only that which is necassary so we can save money in this current economy that does not favor the poor and middle class?
History has proven that tax breaks for the rich do not "trickle down" to the lower tax brackets. Infact, the poor and middle classes feel the pinch worst when this happens.
Also, we won't actually know if we are in a recession for an other six months.
And let's not forget that the country went into a recession right after Bush was elected for his first term, before 9/11.
During the Clinton adminsistration the national deficit went away and a surplus was built (which Bush blew with his first economic stimulous package, that didn't work). I used to recieve, no exageration, 4 times as much back during income tax time during the Clinton administration than I did during the Bush administration.
I used to spend money like I was rapper with a contract! Now I sometimes have trouble making ends meet.
With the exception of Jimmy Carter (though, in retrospect, we should have listened to his views on global warming, alternative energy sources, dependence on Middle Eastern Oil and the economy) the previous elected Democrats elected for president had very high approval ratings with their legacies tarnished by personal decisions (man whores. Come on, White Water doesn't really count). Where as George W. and George H. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon have their presidences mared in questionable political, economic, foreign relations and military practices. And they served to divide the country more than unite. The only one that can be spoken of well is Reagan, and what do they say? He was a great speaker. HE WAS A FUCKING ACTOR!!! DUH!!!
Being that the primary focuses of this years election are the first female candidate and the first Black candidate with an actual shot (Do you really thing Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton could have been elected?) ,and that they are Democrats in a world tired of the Republican Party and it's candidates, has to have the Republican Party and its supporters scared to death. But, in a nation with such a shotty educational system as ours, they may be able to scare others who don't remember history. And we know they aren't above using fear to get what they want.
Why did you people let me get back invovled in politics and shit?
I was happy with apathy! Now y'all got me thinking and shit!

I remember as a little girl talking to my dad about politics...and he used to tell me that when the country didn't have a deficit, all would be well cuz the average guy wouldn't have to be competing with Uncle Sam for loans and damned if he wasn't right!! I totally agree on the whole, "hey, we got a whole bunch of surplus here...how can we screw this shit up" thing that is our current administration.
I remember when our country had a middle class.
I remember when there wasn't another country in this world that would have EVAR dreamed of pulling a 9/11!! We'd have freakin' nuked 'em. nuff said.
Oh, and how's the teeth doll? Better, or still eatin' vicoden like crazy??