I've started seeing some one (sort of) I really dig but not sure where it'll lead. We met at a Holloween party last year, I did pay much attention to her because she had a really good Pedro from Napolean Dynamite costum. (I'm sorry, chicks with mustaches aren't my thing). Cut to 3 weeks ago, we meet again at a friends birthday gathering spoke a little then maid out for most of the night in a booth of a bar. Due to a potential bar fight, I was only able to tell her I would send her number threw myspace. I did, a week passes by, no call. Last week, at said friends house, we started up again which lead to us near naked (I was completely

Another week passes, no call. WTF!

Friday night we meet up again. We talk more this time and she explains why she hasn't called. She was working, just started school to be an architect and was prepairing to move. OK, I'll accept it. But still? We make out a little and had one of those long goodbye's when she had to leave. And I got her number this time!
Now, not to say I'm in love or "whipped" or anything, but there is a definate chemistry between us. Our kissing styles match perfectly. Our goodbye kiss Friday night almost lead to us not saying goodnight. Our tryst was really intense and left me wanting more (like us being somewhere we won't be interrupted before I can get mine also ). And, from the little we have been alone and talking, we have a lot in common, she is really easy to talk too. She crosses my mind, a lot, and I would like to see if there is something more than physical between us. But can't help wondering if the feeling is mutual. I am 9 years older than she is so our heads may not be in the same place. We both do have busy scheduals and have made a date to speak on the phone this week and a dinner date for this comming Saturday.
Hopefully soon I'll be able to determine if we are on the same page. To be honest, I'm monogamist and last Saturday was totally out of character for me (though I regret nothing, yet). If we are not looking for the same thing, I'm not sure what my next move will be.
Advise would be appreciated and considered greatly.
Have a good week all!
the least used of all the robots, i like 'em