Life is never simple, most of the time i find It hard to write down how im feeling because i have to remember everyone else has their own problems too, why would they wanna hear yours?
So, i've taken a new route about all of this, whenever something goes wrong i must think 'thats okay, it just means there's something better around the corner'
And you wouldnt beleive how true that statement is, the fact that things always go bad just so they can turn into something greater. So now im a firm believer that we must appreciate the bad as much as we adore the good.

So much can change within a year, so much happens even if you're just standing still, its crazy! But i cant stand the fact time is moving so fast, this isnt fair! I want to be imortal! I want to build an awesome looking tree house in a forest near a beautiful ocean, with the waves trickling over the warm sand, live there forever! as part of the sea creatures and the land creatures! Forever and ever....ugh maybe its cause im high, whatever...
I just want to experience so much MORE!

is so ...ammazing
have great time a big big hug to u !!!
Did you try adding me on Facebook lovely, I couldn't tell if it was you or not! X