So...I work in this hidden reading room in the library, special collections, we house rare books and stuff. We don't get a lot of traffic.
Theres this little countertop ledge thats not much wider than half a foot that runs around the cages that we keep the books locked up behind....
a perfect little ledge....and...what im thinking is:
this ledge needs to be utilized by someones ass ( and oh i have someone in mind).
your little book wench is going to turn the reading room into a library of ill repute.
Theres this little countertop ledge thats not much wider than half a foot that runs around the cages that we keep the books locked up behind....
a perfect little ledge....and...what im thinking is:
this ledge needs to be utilized by someones ass ( and oh i have someone in mind).
your little book wench is going to turn the reading room into a library of ill repute.

sounds like a great idea. But you can't have a moaner or screamer or everyone will know.
A moaner and screamer is fine as long as your haveing fun use the countertop in every way posible