Hello world.
Are any of my old friends out there still?
I thought I'd write a brief essay of what SG taught me, on my 5 year anniversary (almost, I guess. I don't know, that TimeHop thing told me today that Wizard World was 5 years ago and that was like around when I was most active)
Suicide Girls taught me self confidence and comfort in my own skin. Before I joined, I was in an extremely emotionally abusive relationship in which I was told I was too fat or too ugly for anyone else to ever care about me. I was told that having a mental disorder was a sign of weakness, and I didn't really need therapy or pills, so I obeyed and stopped getting treatment. After we broke up, I said fuck this and signed up here and things started changing.
At first, I fed off the praise of others. Then, as time went on, I started really looking at the pictures of myself. I started really seeing myself for who I was and I fucking loved it.
I eventually went back into treatment. Gained the weight back that I had lost (I'm back to a happy plus size of 16 now) and cut down my drinking. Now, here I am, at the ripe old age of 26 (please note the sarcasm) and I'm completely comfortable with the person I am. Sure, there are people that will call me fat or ugly or who-the-fuck-cares. But I can look myself in the mirror and say "Damn, I look good." And that's because looking good and being healthy aren't always about your size, sometimes it's about how your mind is working.
And so, I'm posting a few recent pictures of me, because why not? Maybe I'll be around, to post more useless thoughts and ramblings. Or I've been thinking about doing stand-up, so maybe I'll use this as a platform to test my jokes out. Anyway, thanks for the good times SG. I mean it!