So, I'm half considering archiving myself. Well, more 60/40 but you get the point.
Been down lately, sorry you guys. Love you all anyways.
So basically, I've lost my best friends. They got fed up with me because I don't have time for them anymore, and who can blame them? I'd be pissed too. I'm overexhausted as shit, been working around 50 hours or more a week. I'm annoyed with pretty much everything. I've been burning bridges left and right for no real reason other than I'M SICK OF BULLSHIT FROM PEOPLE THAT TREAT ME LIKE SHIT.
As far as SG goes, I love all my friends on here. I've met some AWESOME people. I've also met some shitty people. People that like to dick around and lie and fuck other people over just for sport. But whatever, you find that anywhere. What matters most is the friends I've made, and I'll always cherish that.
Well, at least some people in this world still stick to their word. I got my pictures back from a non-SG shoot as told. So here they are. And of course, Kraven was there as my lover.

Been down lately, sorry you guys. Love you all anyways.
So basically, I've lost my best friends. They got fed up with me because I don't have time for them anymore, and who can blame them? I'd be pissed too. I'm overexhausted as shit, been working around 50 hours or more a week. I'm annoyed with pretty much everything. I've been burning bridges left and right for no real reason other than I'M SICK OF BULLSHIT FROM PEOPLE THAT TREAT ME LIKE SHIT.
As far as SG goes, I love all my friends on here. I've met some AWESOME people. I've also met some shitty people. People that like to dick around and lie and fuck other people over just for sport. But whatever, you find that anywhere. What matters most is the friends I've made, and I'll always cherish that.
Well, at least some people in this world still stick to their word. I got my pictures back from a non-SG shoot as told. So here they are. And of course, Kraven was there as my lover.

Don't archive, you just got here! Don't make decisions based on your mood at the moment. You might regret leaving us :[ Yes, there will be shitty people on here, there's shitty people everywhere, you can't let it get to you. I've been picked on here lots of times, but I'm still here. I haven't given up my dream to model and get out there just because a few negative nancy's have some shit to say to me because they're insecure about themselves. And i agree with StampedofWorms, if they were really your best friends, they should really know how busy you became, and should cut you slack. I love youu! And those pictures are SUPER hot.
We haven't even met and drank at the skylark yet.