Holy sucks at updating, Batman!
Sorry you guys, life has been intense lately to say the least. I put my 2 weeks in at my old job and had every intention of sticking it out until my boss really pushed me to my limit. She's a stupid bitch. Anyways, basically she said some shit along the line of how I didn't deserve my new job and I walked out. I'm pretty sure she was just jealous. But that gave me like...4 whole free days before I started my new job. I never slept so much, it was amazing.
Now I'm working at my new job and oh my god. I cannot get over it. I'm soooo spoiled, they treat me soooo well and I'm making about 3 times more than I was before doing the same thing. I'm beyond happy and beyond EXHAUSTED from being so busy (in the best way possible.) My boss is easily the nicest person I've ever met, my coworkers are all sweet and friendly (and I've also noticed that all the guys I work with are gay. Just a fun fact) and I'm having a complete blast.
Sorry for the short update everyone, I'm just too tired to real put anything else down, so I'll leave you with a picture from a recent photo shoot!

Sorry you guys, life has been intense lately to say the least. I put my 2 weeks in at my old job and had every intention of sticking it out until my boss really pushed me to my limit. She's a stupid bitch. Anyways, basically she said some shit along the line of how I didn't deserve my new job and I walked out. I'm pretty sure she was just jealous. But that gave me like...4 whole free days before I started my new job. I never slept so much, it was amazing.
Now I'm working at my new job and oh my god. I cannot get over it. I'm soooo spoiled, they treat me soooo well and I'm making about 3 times more than I was before doing the same thing. I'm beyond happy and beyond EXHAUSTED from being so busy (in the best way possible.) My boss is easily the nicest person I've ever met, my coworkers are all sweet and friendly (and I've also noticed that all the guys I work with are gay. Just a fun fact) and I'm having a complete blast.
Sorry for the short update everyone, I'm just too tired to real put anything else down, so I'll leave you with a picture from a recent photo shoot!

You are gorgeous! And thanks for the comment on my set, you crack me up! <3
Good for you!