Hello SG Land.
Let's chat.
So, this new Multi Kraven and I have up in MR now, BOOBAPALOOZA, has quite the hilarious back story.
See, Kraven and I had never met before that weekend. But it was love at first sight. At Wizard World, I very vividly remember her coming into the booth while I was chatting with someone and jumping on me with hugs. Whoa titties in my face! I loved her right then and there.
We had a blast etc etc we're very similar and we get along like white people and casserole. That's really well, for the record. Then the next day was the shoot. And let me tell you how SICK I was. I had the worst flu ever. So Kraven did her shoot, then I did mine, then scottsmallin shot us together in the pool. For the record: I'M A TOTAL CLUTZ. My dumbass was trying to balance on a tile thing and arch my back and squeeze my titties together all at the same time, so I fell head first BACKWARDS into the hottub. I thought I was going to die, just to resurface and see Kraven and Scott laughing their asses off. My first thought was "oh no! my hair! my makeups!" then I started laughing too. Let's face it, that shit must've been funny. Naked Darla falling head first.
Oh and let's talk about that waterfall. THAT THING HURTS. It gets in your ears and face and it's like a bunch of midgets kicking your ass. But you know what? WE WORKED THROUGH IT! Us SG Chicago girls are tough like that. Or we just wanted to give you guys something that you'd like.
So, I really hope you like it guys! The percentage is kinda low at the moment, so go check it out and love the fuck out of it!
Let's chat.
So, this new Multi Kraven and I have up in MR now, BOOBAPALOOZA, has quite the hilarious back story.
See, Kraven and I had never met before that weekend. But it was love at first sight. At Wizard World, I very vividly remember her coming into the booth while I was chatting with someone and jumping on me with hugs. Whoa titties in my face! I loved her right then and there.
We had a blast etc etc we're very similar and we get along like white people and casserole. That's really well, for the record. Then the next day was the shoot. And let me tell you how SICK I was. I had the worst flu ever. So Kraven did her shoot, then I did mine, then scottsmallin shot us together in the pool. For the record: I'M A TOTAL CLUTZ. My dumbass was trying to balance on a tile thing and arch my back and squeeze my titties together all at the same time, so I fell head first BACKWARDS into the hottub. I thought I was going to die, just to resurface and see Kraven and Scott laughing their asses off. My first thought was "oh no! my hair! my makeups!" then I started laughing too. Let's face it, that shit must've been funny. Naked Darla falling head first.
Oh and let's talk about that waterfall. THAT THING HURTS. It gets in your ears and face and it's like a bunch of midgets kicking your ass. But you know what? WE WORKED THROUGH IT! Us SG Chicago girls are tough like that. Or we just wanted to give you guys something that you'd like.
So, I really hope you like it guys! The percentage is kinda low at the moment, so go check it out and love the fuck out of it!

Just got around to checking out the new set - Absolutly Awesome ! But then again you are in it so how could it not be - right 

Two knockouts from chicago... how could this go wrong?