Why yes, I got in a hit and run this morning. That's the hood of my car after the fact. The fucking asshole in a moving truck type thing backed up right on top of me and didn't pull over even though I DEFINITELY was screaming and waving for him to do so. I'm so fucking pissed off, that shits gonna be expensive to fix. My deductible is $250. I don't have that money for fuckssake.
In other news. Many other good things have been happening. The job I interviewed for offered me the job but I couldn't work that weekend (since I was already scheduled at my current work) and they were supposed to figure something out but I don't know what's up with that. Got another offer in some puppy store that I will never work at, because they guy gets his dogs from puppy mills. Fuck that shit. Then TOMORROW I have 2 interviews. One at a Vet's office and one at this cute salon that also has boarding and daycare and massages! This one is the one I'm excited about, it'd be full time and I'd be able to continue grooming. And the pay would be amazing.
Yesterday, I went to the zoo with Oogie and Kraven.
Horry sheeet!

So much fun and it was SO nice out. I stoled some pictures from Kraven and Oogie took videos that you can find on Kraven's blog. Make sure to check out Frank. He's my boyfriend.
Well that sums up my week in a tiny nutshell! Peace yo!
EDIT for shameless self promotion
Don't forget to check out me and Kraven this Tuesday at 3pm. Love titties? You'll love this shit.
Ugh, puppy mills. I can't stand those places. =/ But boobies always make everything better.
Seriously, the whole hit and run thing is nasty-wack... I've given up on taking my truck downtown to work on the busy nights cause it's almost inevitable that some drunk dumb ass will scrape or dent it before the night's done. But on a very happy note, so glad to hear about a new set lady, cant wait!