So I've been going over my life and the things that are just happening and i've come to think that, maybe i'm not in as much control of my life as i want to be. If was in control things would be going better, it almost feels as though I'm fighting against some invisible unseen force that wants me where I am. Maybe something is going down in the background of my life that i'm not aware of because i'm operating in the foreground. I need to stop being that lone file that works by it self, and operate to help the flow of things...Maybe some of the statements I just made were alcohol induced and this month just isn't my month. At any rate I have to take more pics soon other wise my adoring fans will start to complane about the same lame content i keep and start begging for more, or even worse....they will look elsewhere for their dose of anti-socialistic, anti-establishmentarian(is that even a word oh well) misanthropic sporadic rantings. I need to stop being conceited in thinking that everyone here comes to my site just to see a new post/rant/or joyous bit of news. 

More Blogs
Thursday Aug 17, 2006
YAY today is my why don't i feel older or younger???? -
Monday Jul 24, 2006
So I've been going over my life and the things that are just happenin… -
Wednesday Jul 19, 2006
In Memoirs of A Geisha there is a quote "There is a poem at the templ… -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
To anyone reading here is a soundtrack to my life if it was a movie … -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
Why is it that so many people I have to work with, or associate with … -
Thursday May 11, 2006
YAY I got a new car I'll take pics of it this weekend it's nice and f… -
Wednesday May 03, 2006
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG concert was awesome kinda last moment anyone in… -
Thursday Apr 27, 2006
Tomorrow is D-Day Guild Wars Factions hits the shelves and i'll be th… -
Tuesday Apr 25, 2006
I am overexcitable, far too trusting, nerdy, far too forgiving, stubb… -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
Why do the women in my decide to just walk out one day with out telli…