Why is it that so many people I have to work with, or associate with while in uniform put so much stock into the non-sensicle(not sure if it's a real word if not it should be) ramblings that I am almost assured to utter throughout the couse of an 10 hour period? It's almost as if they expect a totally different person, when I say "I don't like watching sports on TV" or "I hate TV in gerneral and therefore do not need cable or satallite." Where did I go wrong to have people thinking I should be someone or something else? When I have clearly(I know because my diction is not poor) stated who and what I am, as well as my likes, dislikes, any and all flaws that I can find so on and so forth. Anyway who cares I'm going to drink some beer and watch Fullmetal Alchemist
Hello there. Nice to meet ya. What part of Germany do you live in?