I finally heard from Azreal even if it was a comment about smokes and blue cheese it was nice to know that she still remembers me after all that has happened and I'm glad that she is doing ok. While we may not get to share a nice Pils it will always be great to share a comment or two. I finally got the SG Tour DVD as well and I fucking loved it. I'm going to watch it as soon as Monty Python is over with, I'm thinking about warming up some Sake as well it's kinda cold here and people keep coming over to my place to talk to me and ask me to go out with them. All I really want to do is sit down in front of my computer and cartoons and drink, it's not like I want to be a real social person right now considering how many people want to fire me from my job. Last night I was dragged out to a Snowball fight with a few friends, sux for them that they tried to wrestle me to the ground about 30 times and failed...they only got me down when they saw me drinking my Sake, dirty cheats. I'm going to be working on a new poem shortly and it will be a lot different from my other works that, which usually talked about others or some special gift i was given like insomnia or depression. This time its going to be better. Anyway WTFever
just bourbon tonight... just like every night
drinking and walking dogs doesn't work either. man. that sucked.