I think about all the things I don't have. But I seem to be reminided of the things i do have. I have friends to talk to, who care for me I know girls in porn and they give me tips on how to treat a girl. I know cops who want to see me do good. I know secret service people who tell me...
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bored bored bore bored venture bros. bored bored bored porn bored
Anyone know anyplace in chicago, that i can go to listen to some great music?????? i know you guys are out there.
so i'm back in chicago now, and i've had enough time to sleep a lot and drink some beer, i ate white castle for the first time in a few years, and i've also watched cable television for the first time in 6 years...right now it's power rangers because i'm still a cartoon channel only person. Some of my friends are already treking across country...
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So I had this really long tyraid that i was going to write while i was exercising my drinking ability, and my ability to hold massive amounts of alcohol. But I thought it was better that I calm down and make this rant make a little more sense. Right now I'm listing to High Fidelity because it's playing in the backgroud. But the reason i'm...
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Alone I'm shatterd,
bathed in the glow of the stars
all of the shards don't catch the light
I'm broken and alone as I look into the night sky
it's warm and calm
I am am empty person
who wants to play with a broken toy
a toy that hurts everyone close to him
but how can I enjoy it?
why do I smile when...
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bathed in the glow of the stars
all of the shards don't catch the light
I'm broken and alone as I look into the night sky
it's warm and calm
I am am empty person
who wants to play with a broken toy
a toy that hurts everyone close to him
but how can I enjoy it?
why do I smile when...
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Someone is knocking but i can't see who
Someone is yelling where are you?
I am a door, unhinged and ready to fall.
I am a glass door, and someone is knocking
Make the voices go away
Make the knocking stop
My head hurts it's pounding too much
I wish I could make it stop
I would make it all go away, but
someone knocked...
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Someone is yelling where are you?
I am a door, unhinged and ready to fall.
I am a glass door, and someone is knocking
Make the voices go away
Make the knocking stop
My head hurts it's pounding too much
I wish I could make it stop
I would make it all go away, but
someone knocked...
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Hello cruel world. So you aren't satisfied kicking me out the military, you want to kick me out for the same things you've already punished me for. So I guess that day you said "You'll be out the military by Feburary" was not just a threat or warning, but foreshadowing. Now, not only have you gotten my attention and the attention of the negative portions...
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I am afraid, I am not really up to date with why you are gonna be out of the military... What happened?
OK, i don't post as often as i should and or used to... but here is what's been going down. I finally got a cyber tablet, next is a scanner. I still have yet to get that tattoo from like a month ago, I've made the descision to move onto a different career as a normal 9 to 5 office bitch with out the uniform....
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It seems like quite a few people I know are getting out of the service now. I hope all is going well for you

Since today is a special day for me I took a trip to the outside world where people actually walk around and buy things...I made an appointment for a bday tattoo so i'm excited about that, I just don't know where to put it yet. Any suggestions?????? Also since the doc told me a while back not to drink i'm going to give my self...
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I am so late, but happy belated birthday!
Hope you're feeling better now. I've done a bday tattoo once....more ink is always a good thing!

YAY today is my birthday...so why don't i feel older or younger????
Happy belated birthday!

So I've been going over my life and the things that are just happening and i've come to think that, maybe i'm not in as much control of my life as i want to be. If was in control things would be going better, it almost feels as though I'm fighting against some invisible unseen force that wants me where I am. Maybe something is...
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