So I probably joined Netflix like 2 weeks ago now, and it is totally kickass. It's not too expensive at all and the movies get to your house within about 2 days of you sending in the ones you finished. There are very few things I could complain about with this. #1 There is no free site that recommends movies to you like they do.... Read More
Thanks. The purple and pink one I got in there right now. the one with mostly purple is a wig I made. My very first one. I dont think I did too bad on it. I love your hair. lol you hair inspired me to do mine up again lol.
Okay... It's time for the rant I've been waiting to vent since I joined SG. Pussy Pictures. I dig a lot of these girls' sets. The creativity of some of the themes they pick is great, cute outfits, lovely poses, expressions, and photography. But from time to time I find a picture that seems out of place. A close up of the girl's pussy lips?... Read More