Holy hell the last two days have been so HOT! Not the kinda hot where you go and hang out at the pool all day. Its the hot where you walk out the door of a nice cool air conditioned building and it feels like someone just slammed you in the face with a flaming baseball bat! Or you walk out to get the mail and you think you hear something boiling, you realize a second later its the contents of you skull! Of course I had to work the last two craptastic days in a garage with no air conditioning. But enough of me trying to make you feel sorry for me.....(did it work?) I finally got some of the pictures I took earlier this spring uploaded. I think im getting better at photography, so if anyone needs a camera man for some new sets let me know
Im J/K. You can check out the album here I think Nature Album, still not sure how this blog works. If someone could tell me how to do spoilers that would be awsome, and thanks to everyone that left comments and messages I dont feel so alone anymore
Oh yeah and AnnaLee is offering prints of her favourite sets, Hell Yeah! Make sure you show her some love and pick one up or three. Im getting mine as soon as I remember my paypal password

Oh yeah and AnnaLee is offering prints of her favourite sets, Hell Yeah! Make sure you show her some love and pick one up or three. Im getting mine as soon as I remember my paypal password

Damn, I hate it when people slam you in the face with the flaming baseball bat...
I don't really like warm wether, I feel pity for you