I have been worried about a very good friend of mine, over the past few months he has been kinda annoying me. Not hanging out with me or his other close friends constantly complaining about everything from work to school, and his few girl friends he has on the side. Always saying he is too sick or tired to do anything (but play video games all day), calls off work or leaves early, (lives at home with his mother since he kinda got kicked out of his last place cause he couldnt pay rent) and he dumped the one girl who really liked him (and in my opinion was too good for him) because she told him he needs to do something with his life. So today he tells me he has OCD (something about having to wash his hands for hours, not going anywhere that has trash on the floor like his old room at my house which he left a mess, or being around other people) which i find hard to believe since he has been a sloppy person ever since i met him, but hey whatever. So i dont know if i should approach him about this and tell him he needs to get his act together and stop taking the easy way out using this OCD as a crutch, or am i being a selfish uncareing person for even thinking this about my friend? I dont know, my life is hard enough without worrying about other peoples problems, sometimes i wish i didnt care so much.
its hard not to care about people when their behavior indicates something is up. without knowing too much, this guy sounds a lot like an ex of mine. his 'problems' were many, and sure, some of them were real. but what it came down to was that he needed to grow the fuck up. some people just resist it for as long as possible