I'm an idiot and a moron. I don't know what compelled me to think that people would actualy look at my profile - considering the name and what the target audience is going to be. People aren't here ot see some guy. Anyway, that's just as well.
Fuck em!
BTW - Christmas sucked. A friend, if you call him that, borderline suicidal, needed somebody to play decoy for his depression. He ended up puking all over the friggin bar, then crappin himself as I carried his fat ass home. Yeah, Merry Fuckin Christmas!
Fuck em!
BTW - Christmas sucked. A friend, if you call him that, borderline suicidal, needed somebody to play decoy for his depression. He ended up puking all over the friggin bar, then crappin himself as I carried his fat ass home. Yeah, Merry Fuckin Christmas!
Eh... you'd be surprised. people are on here for all sorts of reasons. Me.... I like hot goth girls. I also like interesting people and reading profiles of some random guy. I too have had a crush on Christina Ricci. She makes me melt. I saw Bauhaus play live in NYC a few years ago. It was pretty fucking awesome. I actually saw them two days in a row. You should have seen the fucking crowd of people there. It was a reunion-type thingy, i suppose. you should put some of your undiscernable poetry up. Or join the "Poetry kicks ass group". I write too. I can't figure out if it's discernable or not, though. Anyway, It's all about the Kamel Red Lights, and a tub of ice? really?
BTW- doesn't Apnea kinda look like Christina Ricci in that pic?