so, I've got pneumonia. It's been like 2 weeks and I don't feel like I'm getting better. I went to the doctor today and he said I still have it in my right lung, so he prescribed more antibiotics and drew blood to see if anything else was wrong. I have to go back for my followup Monday. I've been off work these past two weeks. Good thing is I save my time just for this kind of thing. I'm extremely bored. I'm tired of gaming, reading (five books, countless magazines) surfing the net, and there's only so much tv that one person can take! I want out! Aside from the doctor's office (although Brea is really cute there). My sleep schedule is all screwed up. I have been doing a lot of sleeping though so maybe I will be able to readjust when I'm better which I hope is soon. Doc has me off work til at least after Christmas, so its kinda nice for the holiday if I feel better by then.
Its raining out as I'm writing this, and its supposed to be turning into snow as we get into tomorrow. Yay, the first real snow of the season and I'm sick. Woe is me.
I try not to write downer blogs but blah.
Its raining out as I'm writing this, and its supposed to be turning into snow as we get into tomorrow. Yay, the first real snow of the season and I'm sick. Woe is me.

I try not to write downer blogs but blah.
thank you very much!

I hear your pain...vent to me anytime. I totally agree with you on everything you said.