When I recently came back to SG, I made an effort to try to get back in touch with all of my friends here since. I have been about 88.537% successful and but I think that is because they haven't gotten my messages or comments yet. The ones who I have talked to have been happy that I'm back. All except one.
This person was one of the reasons I came back, we were really good friends (at least that's what I thought) and used to chat all the time. I did my best to be there for her when I was here, because she was going through a lot. I noticed she made a blog yesterday, so in an attempt to reconnect, I left a comment telling her I missed her. I must have misread the blog, because she decided to blow up at me about it. This ic a click and paste of her message to me:
"are you fucking stupid?!?! THEY ARE IN MY PHOTO SECTION!! DUH! why have you always been so annoyingly dense man???
i would like it if you stopped bothering me and acting like we are best fucking friends...i dont like you. you have done NOTHING to help me in years so i dont consider you a friend...please just stop it with the annoying comments...i see i have a comment and am hapy then i see its from you and just pisses me off!!!! so go away!
TO ME, you are nothing but a reminder of failure...so please stop bugging me"
I never said anything about being besties, or even eluded to it, I just merely stated that I missed her.
I didn't know being someones friend entailed doing stuff for them, and the fact that I hadn't in years... Me being a reminder of failure? Well, I do pretty well for myself, so I'm guessing she's the failure, but for some reason blaming me and I really don't know why.
How sad is she that somebody leaving a comment pisses her off? My guess is she's always been like this, and will continue to be until she realizes that sometimes life happens and people lose touch, and people aren't friend with others to see what they can get out of them.
I messaged her back, and it may have been a bit scathing, but you don't come and fuck with me and not expect to be filleted. I am the same way when someone fucks with my friends so tread lightly.
I know most of the time I'm a sweet, good natured person who loves more than he can manage. I do nothing but send love out to all of my friends here and will continue to do so as long as I can, but I wasn't going to take that.
I could mention her name, but that would be an asshole move and I'm above that.
This person was one of the reasons I came back, we were really good friends (at least that's what I thought) and used to chat all the time. I did my best to be there for her when I was here, because she was going through a lot. I noticed she made a blog yesterday, so in an attempt to reconnect, I left a comment telling her I missed her. I must have misread the blog, because she decided to blow up at me about it. This ic a click and paste of her message to me:
"are you fucking stupid?!?! THEY ARE IN MY PHOTO SECTION!! DUH! why have you always been so annoyingly dense man???
i would like it if you stopped bothering me and acting like we are best fucking friends...i dont like you. you have done NOTHING to help me in years so i dont consider you a friend...please just stop it with the annoying comments...i see i have a comment and am hapy then i see its from you and just pisses me off!!!! so go away!
TO ME, you are nothing but a reminder of failure...so please stop bugging me"
I never said anything about being besties, or even eluded to it, I just merely stated that I missed her.
I didn't know being someones friend entailed doing stuff for them, and the fact that I hadn't in years... Me being a reminder of failure? Well, I do pretty well for myself, so I'm guessing she's the failure, but for some reason blaming me and I really don't know why.
How sad is she that somebody leaving a comment pisses her off? My guess is she's always been like this, and will continue to be until she realizes that sometimes life happens and people lose touch, and people aren't friend with others to see what they can get out of them.
I messaged her back, and it may have been a bit scathing, but you don't come and fuck with me and not expect to be filleted. I am the same way when someone fucks with my friends so tread lightly.
I know most of the time I'm a sweet, good natured person who loves more than he can manage. I do nothing but send love out to all of my friends here and will continue to do so as long as I can, but I wasn't going to take that.
I could mention her name, but that would be an asshole move and I'm above that.
you'll see it in my next set

I'm sorry you had to deal with that :/ maybe she took out anger on you or something. Regardless it was not right, and I am sure you can find a copious amount of people that don't hate the world
it was nice you cared enough to reach out!