So... I realized that when I log on, it goes straight to my profile page, I guess because when I put it in my FireFox toolbar, it's the page I was on. so that being said, I haven't paid much attention to the sets that have been posted or gone live! This site is more social for me as of late I suppose, ho hum.
I finally got my truck home, so finally I was able to get it into the shop. It's going to cost $3500 to $4000 to fix all of the damage a faulty transfer case seal caused
that added on to the rediculous storage fee of $1500 and a $200 towing charge. When it rains, it pours. whoa is me.
On to better things. I finally got my new phone, the HTC EVO. Now if SG would make an app for it instead of just the much overrated iPhome. It's strange to me how people get so sucked in to living the iLife, some people I know actually have an iPhone, iPad, iPod, and the whole gamut of appleware. Redundancy anyone?
I'm in a weird spot. I love my girlfriend, but I don't know where it's going. We only see each other once a week, (she lives an hour and a half away) and although I don't like it, she seems ok with the situation. idk, I guess I want more. Is that so wrong?
I finally got my truck home, so finally I was able to get it into the shop. It's going to cost $3500 to $4000 to fix all of the damage a faulty transfer case seal caused

On to better things. I finally got my new phone, the HTC EVO. Now if SG would make an app for it instead of just the much overrated iPhome. It's strange to me how people get so sucked in to living the iLife, some people I know actually have an iPhone, iPad, iPod, and the whole gamut of appleware. Redundancy anyone?
I'm in a weird spot. I love my girlfriend, but I don't know where it's going. We only see each other once a week, (she lives an hour and a half away) and although I don't like it, she seems ok with the situation. idk, I guess I want more. Is that so wrong?
Long time no see...
Back again...
well me and my boyfriend are in a long distance relationship, so i know its hard...
take more time for yourself, and try to be a better person so when you be with your girl.. you can give her the best of you...
got a new post in my blog....
hope you check it out
lots of love.