For the past three days, I've been woken up by my neighbor's dog. It would be okay other times, (okay, thats relative) but I'm on vacation. I would like to be able to sleep in, maybe just for a little while. And it's not just the mornings that are filled with this dog's yelping and yowling, It's constant, all day long. Seriously, from 6:00 a.m. till 11:00 at night this dog runs around their yard barking incessantly! That means no midday snooze, no early evening catnaps, no midmorning doze. What little conscience I have is stopping me from going and strangling my neighbor. Not the dog, because it's doing what dogs do when they are unchecked, untrained. I'm losing my mind, and that barking is all I can hear. 

OH MY nothing drives me nuttier than a barking dog..Kudos to you ..cause sadly I woulda taken it out on the dog by now..And blamed it on insanity!1
